The Indus Valley progress, one of the most seasoned on the planet, goes back no less than 5,000 years. Aryan clans from the northwest attacked around 1500 B.C.; their merger with the prior Dravidian occupants made the traditional Indian culture. Middle Easterner invasions beginning in the eighth century and Turkish in the twelfth were trailed by those of European dealers, starting in the late fifteenth century. By the nineteenth century, Britain had accepted political control of for all intents and purposes every single Indian land. Indian military in the British armed force assumed an essential part in both World Wars. Peaceful protection from British imperialism drove by Mohandas GANDHI and Jawaharlal NEHRU acquired autonomy 1947. The subcontinent was partitioned into the mainstream territory of India and the littler Muslim province of Pakistan. A third war between the two nations in 1971 brought about East Pakistan turning into the different country of Bangladesh. Regardless of noteworthy picks up in financial speculation and yield, India faces squeezing issues, for example, the continuous debate with Pakistan over Kashmir, enormous overpopulation, ecological corruption, broad neediness, and ethnic and religious hardship.