A family adventure through Africa: Travelling with kids

My husband, Andrew and I own Gravity Adventures in Cape Town and we specialize in wilderness rafting trips on the Orange River Gorge. Andrew is also a river guide instructor and has done many trips to various parts of Africa…..

Medina of Marrakesh

Founded in 1070–72 by the Almoravids, Marrakesh remained a political, economic and cultural centre for a long period. Its influence was felt throughout the western Muslim world, from North Africa to Andalusia. It has several impressive monuments dating from that…..

National Parks

From protecting a portion of the globe’s most imperiled species to exhibiting shocking examples of relocation, Africa’s national parks are among the world’s generally terrific. An ever increasing number of guests rush every year to the mainlands’ parks and saves,…..

The Jewish Museum (Musée du Judaïsme Marocain)

Located in the suburb of Oasis, the Musuem of Moroccan Judiasm this museum is one of only two Jewish museums in the Muslim world (the other being in Istanbul) and the only Jewish museum in the Arab world. This recently…..


Immerse yourself in the arts of the ‘ochre city’ from past to present. My top choices: Musée de Marrakech (Marrakech Museum), featuring both modern and traditional Moroccan art, is housed in an ancient palace, itself a prime example of Andalusian…..